A bright shiny New Year

A New Year is always a time for a fresh start, a do over, and a chance to change directions and get it right this time.  It is a wonderful time of the year.  Everything that was bogging us down in the year that passed seems to be shone in a new light and doesn’t seem to be quite as daunting.


I know most of us have unfinished projects laying around the house, some of them have been there for years.  Those projects that are years old need to be either finished if you can figure out where you are or take them out and use the yarn for something else.  If you don’t like the yarn, donate it to a good cause.  Let’s move on and get though the muddle of old projects.  They are just bogging you down and making knitting less then fun.


Make a fresh start this year.  Take a class, start a new project.  A class can help you get through a project.  There are goals set and deadlines to meet, and at the end, you have a wonderful new garment instead of a half finished project in a bag.  Get started today on your wonderful New Year of Knitting.