When someone falls ill in the family from a catastrophic illness, time seems to stand still. There is much confusion, sadness and grief. Then starts the hospital visits, the doctor visits and the myriad of other things that goes along with taking care of your loved one.
You spend the majority of your time waiting. This is one of the most difficult things…. waiting. We all know from being in a doctors’ office waiting, the reading material is less then desirable. You can only read so many “People Magazines” without losing total faith in mankind. Knitting is the saving grace in these times.
Studies have show that the rhythmic, mathematical nature of knitting keeps the mind absorbed in a healthy way, providing an escape from stressful thoughts. It helps calms the brain down, lower your heart rate and lowers your blood pressure.
Knitting gives you something positive to focus on; taking your mind off the illness and the grief that is so overwhelming at times. Whether it is a simple project or a more complicated project, it gives your mind and hands something to do together. For a time you can leaveworrying and just focus on the progress that is being made, stitch by stitch.
If you are in this situation or know someone that is working their way through this process, I would suggest picking up those knitting needles and get started on a project. It will ease the pain and make the time waiting a little more bearable.