Goal Setting

In my many years of teaching classes a certain problem reoccurs over and over again.  It is frustrating for the teacher as well as the student.  The student has failed to achieve the required knitting to move on to the next step; they fall behind and more often then not they give up on the project all together.


There was so much knitting that I wanted to achieve. The only way for me to knit all those I started goal setting.  This is the method I use but please do what ever works for you.  When I start a project I time myself to see how long it takes for me to do a row or a round of knitting.  If I can get a row done in fifteen minutes then I can get four rows done in an hour.  Then I determine how many inches that four rows will give. Then I decide how many inches I want/need to achieve that day.  I can then estimate how long my project will require to completion.  It is less stressful and overwhelming for me to work like this because you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.


I also adhere to the fifteen minute a day rule for learning a new skill.  Just work on a new knit technique for fifteen minutes and before you know it you will have it mastered.


In closing, be gentle with yourself.  If you miss your goal for a certain day, life happen and we don’t need one more thing to feel guilty about, get up the next day and work to that goal.